How do we work?
The Dutch Gestalt Foundation (NSG) has been training people for over 30 years to work in a Gestalt manner as therapist, coach and trainer. We offer thorough and recognized vocational training and work with a variety of teachers who share a common vision from diverse backgrounds. The training program is balanced and varied in content and style. During the training, we enter into an intensive and lengthy process with our students. They learn to work on the basis of development and learning tasks from a basic attitude of acceptance. The intention is that the student can restore the client's sense of freedom, so that the client can ultimately make choices that match his needs. We provide further training for our teachers and participate in other (Gestalt) organizations and professional associations, in order to keep in touch with multiple professional groups.
The forerunner of the current NSG, the Dutch Gestalt Institute, started in 1972. The institute provided the first Dutch Gestalt therapy courses, stimulated research in the field of Gestalt therapy & methodology and disseminated information about the relatively new form of psychotherapy. American Gestalt therapists were invited for the training. Gestalt pioneers such as Laura Perls, Miriam and Erving Polster, and Isadore From provided training and supervision. In the 1980s, major changes were necessary.
Collaboration with the NSG
The NSG is affiliated with the Dutch-Flemish Association for Gestalt Therapy and Gestalt Theory (NVAGT) as a training course.
The NVAGT has a number of objectives, namely:
• further professionalization and recognition of Gestal therapy
• reimbursement by health insurers
• quality assessment
• an ethics committee and a complaints committee
• stimulating refresher courses and further training. These objectives can be found in the NSG training courses. Read more on the NVAGT website. The NSG uses the NVAGT's Code of Ethics and therefore has an adequate complaints procedure that provides an opportunity of appeal. For further information, also consult the NVAGT website.
We offer training in which the following principles are the pillars for how we propagate Gestalt.
– We view man in his situation, as completely as possible.
– The development tasks, as outlined by James Kepner. In his work he elaborates six developmental tasks, namely: adapting, attaching, intersubjectivity, reaching out, dosing and developing language for all these tasks and the feelings that come with it. has been set.
– The body as a guideline, whereby we use the body integrally and do not see it as an object. The body communicates as do our words. We teach our students how to read and incorporate this language into the whole (of the situation).
– In our theorizing we are inspired by new insights from philosophy (intervides instead of individuals, networks instead of pyramids), physics (which, like Gestalt theory, constantly searches for the mysteries of the field and field theory) and other useful scientific disciplines that support our vision. support.
– Group learning. The students learn the most from the many mutual encounters. This can be both supportive and confrontational. In meeting the other, students often come across hidden, unfinished pain, which we ground in the moment and within the group with an eye for the students involved, so that a healing process can unfold. We remain a training group and not group therapy. We pick up what is affected and bring it to a bearable point, after which the students organize further support and help for themselves (for example within the learning therapy that is part of our training). This is an integral aspect of how we work and what we believe in. When you are able to bear your own pain and have learned how to do it, you are also more fully equipped to guide other people in this.
– We think it is important that the impasse is respected. We are not going to try to 'solve' or help her further, but support that which is not yet in order to prevent it from falling back into that which is no longer sufficient.
– Aggression, sexuality, lust, are themes that we enrich and deepen in their context. They are allowed to exist, gladly even and we teach our students to deal with the trepidation that these subjects can evoke. For example, it is unusual for serious disruptive behavior to look at the lust it can give a person, or to talk to people about their sexual fantasies or aggressive impulses. However, since this is inextricably linked to our humanity, these themes deserve attention within a therapy training.
– We try to offer the purest possible Gestalt education, drawing on Gestalt sources as much as possible. It is also common for trainers to bring their own backgrounds, such as Jungian psychology, Daoism, existentialism, family constellations and the like. These 'exotic' elements will at all times be integrated into our team-supported gestalt vision outlined above
Collaboration with the EAGT
The NVAGT's training and quality requirements are fully in accordance with the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT).
The NSG attaches great value to the EAGT guidelines and therefore uses them within the training courses. T
he EAGT guidelines are based on four basic elements:
• Theory and Method
• Clinical Practice
• Supervision
• Learning therapy. Read more on the EAGT website.